Sunday, June 30, 2013

Feeling Hot Hot Hot

Summer is here! It is like 115 degrees outside. The last thing I want to do is go outside, but we get so bored inside. When the weather was nicer, we went on walks everyday, but now we can't because Oliver sweats to death in his carseat/stroller. We are trying so hard not to run our A/C too low, but boy it is hard.  I could do it when Oliver wasn't born, but now that he is here, it is hard for me to see him sweating and uncomfortable.  Spring/Summer brings BUGS. YUCK. There are few things I loathe more in this world than bugs! I try so hard not to spend money on spraying the place, but when it reaches the point that there are more bugs in our house than out of our house I know it is time. I'm SOOO grateful I haven't seen a roach yet.  Those things put me right in to a panic attack.  I can handle most other bugs, but NOT THE SEWER ROACHES!  Every year we spray and these big nastys show up dead RIGHT by our front door:
This picture doesn't do them justice.  They sit there and twitch for days and you should see me trying to get in and out of the house, especially with Oliver in his carseat.  I LEAP.  Why don't you just move them you ask? Because that's Dave's job.  DAVE WHERE YOU AT?

Ok I'm done talking about bugs.  I can't believe I even let them take that much space of my blog.  Anyway, on a much different note.... can I just say I am so grateful for the priesthood and to married to a worthy priesthood holder, especially now that we are parents.  There are times when something is wrong with your baby and you don't know what, and  you wish more than anything you could help them, communicate with them, take their pain away.  Unfortunately it doesn't work like that.  But I am SO glad that Dave can give him a blessing in the name of Jesus Christ and that it brings us all comfort.

My goal as of late is trying to figure out what Oliver's natural sleep rhythms are and when he should go down for nap.  Well this kid keeps me on my toes.  There is no consistency, except he does go to sleep at night around the same time every night.  Most nights he wakes me up once or twice to eat, sometimes more, sometimes less, so I never know what to expect.  Some days he wake up at 5:30 and is ready to go and some days he wakes up at 7.  The days he wakes up at 5:30, he naps at 8, 11, and 2ish.  The days he wakes up at 7, he naps at 9ish, 1ish, and 4 ish.  His naps usually are about 30 minutes to an hour.  Yea, we are still working on figuring out a set pattern so I know what to plan for!

Every time I change Ollie's diaper I sing him the ABC song.  Now he looks forward to me singing it to him and smile at me as I sing.  He also loves looking at himself in the mirror.  I make sure we do that at least once a day.  It is a good developmental activity.  The FIRST thing he does when he looks in the mirror is look at himself and he gets this big ole gummy smile.  Then its back to business and he glares himself down and tries to reach for himself.  His concentration face consists of the cutest duck lips ever.
The first pic was him smiling at himself, but then he saw my phone (which he is fascinated with the cover) and started looking at me instead.  The second is him reaching for himself.  We call his reflection Cordelius (inspired after Ann of Green Gables and her imaginary window reflection friend Cordelia). :)

Oh I got pictures of Ollie doing his tummy time and wanted to post those for all to see.

He does pretty well with it at first and then all of sudden he head plants.  Then lifts it again and then head plants to the floor again. haha.  He is getting there.  It's hard to have such a big head!

I took these photos in front of him while he was on his tummy, and like I said, he likes my phone cover so much he was reaching for it and it looks like he is taking 'selfy' pics.  You can kind of see his concentrating face here (but usually his lips a little more duck like):

OK, i'll change subject off Ollie for just a sec (even though he is my favorite subject).  So Dave is working as a dental assistant and doing real estate photography for some agents in town.  He also assists a photographer Spencer Boerup as needed stretching canvas for him and going out on shoots with him.  Some months he is super busy and other months they don't really need him.  Fortunately, the real estate group he works for has changed there business model and doing photos and videos on a lot more of their properties, which means more business for Dave:).  He is also contacting other local agents trying to gain more business.  Dave's kind friend Spencer has been loaning him his really nice camera and lens for the shoots, but because business is picking up we thought now is probably the best time to get a new camera, and the shoots will pay for it. We didn't want to keep imposing on Spencer.  So, Dave just got a new camera today, and is saving up for a lens.  This will take the quality photos AND video he needs of the houses.  :) He felt a little guilty buying it, but at least it is a tool for him to earn money with.  He also has a website of sample work at
Dave playing around with his new Canon. We are grateful for his self-taught skill in photography because with my decision to stay at home with Oliver, we definitely can't spend like we used to. Dave also just applied for dental school for the next school year.  He applied 3 years ago but didn't get in (we think because his application got in too late).  He is finally ready to apply again, and his DAT score are just barely making the time frame before they expire.  So here we go, we know it's not ideal to use old DAT scores, but he took some of his science classes SO long ago, we don't think he would remember anything if he retook the DAT.  SO we are going on faith, and hoping that some of his life experiences since 3 years ago will look good to some schools.

We had the missionaries over yesterday (Sat) and it our ward now has elders AND sisters.  Then the sisters call and tell us there are 3 of them.  So we had 5 missionaries over at our house.  I served BBQ Pulled Pork sandwiches with potato wedges and baked beans.  While I was getting things together I had Ollie in his Bumbo on the table. Dave was sitting next to him on his Ipad and I look over and Oliver had the package of buns in his hand and was smushing them against his face.  I thought, 'hmm odd that dave gave that to him to play with'.  Then Dave said 'Britt, why did you give him the buns to play with?'  Sneaky Ollie in fact had reached them somehow and with his awesome stomach and arm muscles lifted them up and was having a blast with them while dave and I accused each other. haha.  Here is a pic of that.

Today Dave and I finally were called on to give a talk in church.  We've been in our ward for a year and a half and they finally got us.  It was good though, we spoke on obedience and keeping the commandments and Dave tied in the constitution and I tied in listening to a prophet.  A few people came up to us and wanted copies of our talks and we got lots of compliments, so I guess that means we did a good job.  Anyway, we are excited for this week!  We get to go to Thatcher for a family reunion that Dave is in charge of.  Pics and stories to come :)


  1. That's awesome! That sneaky Ollie! And how, HOW do you get away with not speaking for a year and a half?! We didn't even get through two months without a life changer calling! haha! I was all hunky dory till I got to that last sentence. Off to Thatcher for the reunion. I Love the Hatch reunions! *sigh* Well it will be a blast and I'm looking forward to stories and pics. We'll miss you all.

  2. Mom wants you to send another invite to join your blog. It just kills her to not be part of the exclusive club :)
