Sunday, July 7, 2013

Hatch Family Reunion 2013

Dave volunteered this year to plan the family reunion (even though usually it is the aunts and uncles that plan it). The 2 aunts and uncles that were in charge live far away and couldn't be there.  He made it a SUPER HERO theme, we used the avenger theme a lot.  The week leading up to the reunion was a little crazy.  Along with Dave's regular work hours as a dental assistant, he was assigned to photograph and video THREE for-sale houses.  And we were dealing with our roof covering being blown off at the same time.  I made a lot of the last minute phone calls and details/shopping for the reunion for Dave and packed up everything.  He was editing photos and videos up to the moment we left for Thatcher.  
We really enjoyed seeing everyone and I enjoyed having help with Ollie.  It is nice to give my back and neck a break from holding him. Grandma Kathy was so nice and watched Oliver a lot for me, which allowed me to participate and enjoy the reunion.  Thanks Kathy! Ollie loves her, she even got giggles out of him. 

The reunion began on Thursday 4th of July at lunch.  After lunch, the Hatch aunts and uncles had their annual family meeting while the big cousins played dodge ball/ kick ball and the little cousins made capes/masks and did little kid games.  
This was one of the little kid games.  We played super hero music while the kids ran around throwing their balloons in the air.  When the music stopped, a name was chosen and their balloon was popped. Inside the balloon was a piece of paper that has a command (like bounce on one foot) that the kid had to do.  They loved this game.
My awesome sister-in-law Julie! Love her!

Jeff and I keepin it cool in the gym.  The only room that had working A/C.
Fun Fireworks on 4th of July. We had a plethora of homemade ice cream to sample that night! YUM!
Cute Ollie Trying to Balance on the Chair
On Friday, we had mini games and team building activities.  Those were a lot of fun and then that night was the Pageant of Heroes and Skits, which was a blast.  Dave, Oliver and I dressed up. Dave was "BEARDO MAN" and I was "THE AMAZING UNIBROW" and Oliver was our offspring: "UNI-BEARD".   Everyone thought I was such a mean mom because I didn't think through the fact that ripping off Oliver's unibrow might be uncomfortable.  It was like a bandaid.  He cried, and I felt bad.  Sorry Ollie!

Dave hosted the pageant. He had everyone come up on the stage and explain their costume, their nemesis, their super powers, etc.  
UL: Jake the Waffler -The Truth Syrup  
 UR: Megan The White Ballerina--Super Power is kicking people and her nemesis is the BAD DANCER    
 LL: Rose Wonder Woman--according to her daughter she kills with her evil black eyes
 LR: The Platypus Family-superpower is DANCING
UL: Mason--Batman, why is he so cool? Because he is BATMAN.
UR: Tom--S.E.T.H.->Super Excellent Truss Hero
LL: Caleb--Awesome Baseball Player Man--nemesis is the FAST BALL
LR: Donna--The Quill, saving the world, one grammar correction at a time.
We finished up the two day affair by watching The Avengers.  Good times.  The next day I went to my friend Katie Williams house to visit and she found a high chair for me at a garage sale for only $10.  I'm excited Ollie is going to get to start eating solids within a few months :).  I was laying Ollie down for a nap at Katie's and he fell asleep in my arms while feeding him.  When I was about to lay him down he must have had a hilarious dream because he just started deliriously laughing in his sleep.  He has never done that before and it made me laugh so hard.  That kid cannot go to sleep unless I feed him.  I don't know if that's a bad habit, but he sure does like having a full belly.  Grandpa Dan put it right--holding him is like holding a heavy sack of cement.  haha.  Slow down little Ollie! 

I snapped this little picture in church because I finally was able to capture Oliver's concentrating DUCK FACE.  It cracks me up.  Plus, he really loves the hymn books at church.  He stares at the music and tries to grab the notes. :)

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